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Help us raise money

For participating in 2020 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

Our story…

The Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia is a volunteer based registered charity that supports people who are adversely affected by gluten, dermatitis herpetiformis, and other gluten-related conditions. CCA BC provides assistance through support, education and public awareness. Investing in research to find a cure is a priority. CCA BC is a chapter of Canadian Celiac Association.


Join us for this special “fun”-raising experience! Run, walk, donate or volunteer. Together we can fund research and support those who need to follow the gluten-free lifestyle for health.  All you need is a passion for helping people to unite us as a team. "Running Gluten-Free" carries us over the finish line!

By joining us, you'll receive training and fundraising tools, team t-shirts, photos, and great prizes. Raise donations over $200 and we will refund $30 of your registration fee. Set-up a fundraising account and receive a wonderful gift bag from our partners!

Reserve your spot today! Questions contact

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 22 Renee and Mike Ron We admire your courage in your fight for this worthy cause. You have the power! $25.00
Jul 20 Tanja Truelsen Undisclosed amount
Jul 18 John and Maureen Pineau & family So proud of you, I will be with you in spirit as I had a little fella for 7.5 years who also was diagnosed with this. $115.00
Jul 14 Vicki Go Jenn! $100.00
Jul 13 Anonymous $40.00
Jul 13 Steve, Hayley, and Ben $20.00
Jul 13 Nancy Park Good luck Marie! $25.00
Jul 11 Svend & Stella Arntorp $100.00
Jul 11 Lynda Marie Neilson Undisclosed amount
Jul 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount