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Help Caitlin raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020

My Story…

It's hard for me to express how important Silent Voice is to Deaf infants, children, youth and adults and their families so I asked my mom for help. My Mom then asked the Kelly MacKenzie, the Executive Director of Silent Voice for help and this is our message:

Silent Voice is a Deaf organization with a vast majority of Deaf staff making decisions and running programs for members of the Deaf community. Silent Voice thrives on meeting the needs to those it serves; identifying and filling gaps; making connections to make sure no Deaf child falls through the cracks; providing education to connect people. Silent Voice is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion. We are intolerant of oppression. BLACK LIVES MATTER; INDIGENOUS LIVES MATTER! 

During Covid, Silent Voice connected me with my some of my Deaf friends from camp and the Saturday Program and our Deaf counsellors several times a week on Zoom to help us stay connected with each other so we weren't so isolated at home with our hearing families.   They explained COVID to us so that we could understand what was happening and why we all had to stay home.  Silent Voice also interpreted all the government updates on their website (while also advocating for ASL interpreters for government updates as they happened) so that Deaf people have the same access to information that hearing people do.  Silent Voice also offered me a Virtual Summer Camp experience so that I could stay connected to other Deaf children and youth despite not having an in-person connection to another Deaf person since before March Break.  Volunteers from Silent Voice also helped my Mom create the most amazing birthday video for my 13th birthday with messages from my friends, family, teachers and counsellors.  I LOVED it!

Please help support an agency rooted in its community, operated by passionate, compassionate and committed people who are themselves stakeholders. 

Thank you!


100% of proceeds from the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon will benefit Silent Voice programs for Deaf children, youth, adults and and families.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 10 The Averys Way to go Caitlin! So fun that you could take the run to Stony this year ❤️ $200.00
Oct 10 Susan Hodges $100.00
Oct 10 Madeline, Paula and James Wood Way to go, Caitlin! $100.00
Oct 10 John & Madelyn Sloane Great job Caitlin... and family! $100.00
Oct 10 Anikka, Jeremy and Adeline $100.00
Oct 10 The Myers Family Way to go Caitlin! $100.00
Oct 10 Anonymous $50.00
Oct 09 DiPasquale Family $100.00
Oct 08 Megan, Matt, Dexter, Georgia & Chloe Go Caitlin!! $100.00
Oct 07 Louise and Gary Sugar Way to go Durno's!!! We will cheer you on!!! xoxoxo $500.00