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Help Julie raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020

My Story…

No, I'm not running a marathon -- but I am walking 5km to help raised funds for the Indigenous Community Health Centre in Toronto!  I  hope you will join me and other volunteers in this race or make a donation to my walk!


Please join us by 

1)    making a donation in support of the health and wellness of the Urban Indigenous Community in Toronto, and to support the preservation and reclamation of Indigenous traditional healing practices; or 

2)    join our Scotiabank Charity Challenge team to walk or run in support of the Anishnawbe Health Foundation.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 05 Clayton, Natasha, Indra ans George $100.00
Sep 01 Julie Cookson $100.00