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Help Susan raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020

My Story…

Dear Family & Friends:

I have registered for the STWM virtual race "TeamStone 2020" for the purpose of raising funds for our Church's Local and Global Ministry -where we have been supporting our missionaries/organizations all across the world for many years.

I hope you will support me virtually, prayerfully and financially for this cause.

Thank you so much in advance for your positive response and may our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ be given the Glory & Honor above all.

Love and Blessings, 

Susan A.


Stone Church loves God and loves people. We partner with individuals within non-profit organizations (Young Street Mission, Youth Unlimited, Toronto City Mission, PAOC Mission Canada, IVCF, WOW Mission, Noah's Ark, Asian Access, and Arctic Hope Project) who work passionately to develop strategies to fund and support missions locally and around the world; enabling them to provide love, peace and justice, and ultimately a better quality of life for people living in economic, social and spiritual poverty. Join TeamStone on October 18th! Email charity contact Dee Betteridge at for race details and incentives.

#Reasons2Run  #TeamStone2020


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 12 Ching We love, pray & support you our Dear Missionaries🙏❤ Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Carling We love you our Dear Missionaries Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Stone Church God Bless our Missionaries❤ $50.00
Oct 12 Stone Church God Bless our Missionaries! Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Lidy Congratulations Jesusa and Team Stone! Very best wishes to you and the Stone Church community. Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Anonymous $25.00
Oct 11 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 09 Steve & Belle Hirji Best wishes and God Bless you. Undisclosed amount
Oct 01 Rosalva May God bless your efforts to provide for the Missionaries around the world. Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Anonymous Way to go TeamStone! In unity, we can do it together in support for our Missionaries (Global & Local) and organizations that we support! $50.00