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Akron Children's Hospital

Raise money for Akron Children's Hospital

Did you know there’s more to the miles you log when you run in the Akron Children’s Hospital Akron Marathon Race Series? The hospital serves as the Title Beneficiary of the Akron Marathon Race Series, which means that our events serve as major fundraisers for the hospital. In fact, we’ve already raised $1.7 million to help them provide family-centered care to the children of northern Ohio…regardless of their ability to pay.

How can you help?

As a participant of any of our world-class running events, you have several ways to make an impact for the Hospital:

Every participant has the opportunity to make a one-time donation to Akron Children's Hospital during the registration process when signing up for any event in the Akron Children's Hospital Akron Marathon Race Series.

You can also become a Children’s Champion by joining Akron Children’s Hospital in making sure that all children have the opportunity to receive the finest pediatric care by committing to raise much needed funds.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 12 Anonymous $25.00
Aug 11 Anonymous $50.00
Aug 07 Aunt Sue $50.00
Aug 07 The Barber Family $100.00
Aug 05 Anonymous $20.00
Aug 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 02 David Wytiaz and Family Your family is our prayers. $50.00
Jul 30 Lynn Iams You got this! $50.00
Jul 26 Bob & Debbie Long Love you #ironandrew $100.00
Jul 26 Cathy K. Andrew, Tristan and Kolt, keep on being the super heroes that you are! (You are all my heroes). Love and prayers. $50.00