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Girls E-Mentorship (GEM)

Raise money for Girls E-Mentorship (GEM)

Girls E-Mentorship (GEM) is a top 100 rated charity offering a research-based mentorship program for high school girls facing socioeconomic barriers to build their professional skills and achieve their academic and career potential. 

We were founded in 2012 from a vision that all young women should have the opportunity to succeed despite where they’ve come from or what barriers they’ve faced.

We believe that women mentoring girls is essential in fostering the success of the next generation, critical to creating gender equity and creating a more prosperous Canada.

Currently over 60% of all high school girl applications are turned away due to lack of funds. 

Now, more than ever, GEMgirls need our support to overcome the impact that COVID-19 has had on their lives.

Together, let’s invest in the success of the next generation of young women.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 02 Tara P All the best Christina! Undisclosed amount
Sep 02 Valerie Fox Wonderful initiative!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 02 Gary & Janet Stephens Sounds like a very worthwhile project and great way to use your knowledge, hope it goes well for all ! Undisclosed amount
Sep 02 Jennifer Robinson CA$106.22
Sep 02 Jennifer Robinson Lockwood CA$106.22
Sep 02 Doug & Louise Pegg Ingrid, It’s great that you’re doing this - you’ll be a wonderful and very effective mentor. CA$106.22
Sep 02 Stephen Prokopchuk CA$53.11
Sep 02 Natalia McLean What a great cause! You will make a wonderful mentor, Ingrid :) CA$50.00
Sep 02 Nancy Roper Great initiative Ingrid! Good luck with it. .....N Undisclosed amount