Help Shannon raise money
For participating in BIKE-for-BRODY Ride-A-Thon
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
The Bike-for-Brody fun event will host 8 Teams of 4 riders each riding on CompuTrainer smart trainers for LIVE RACING stats and times, compliments of The RAD Room! Each rider will cycle for 30min for Brody and their team.
Brody is 12 year old boy from Barrie Ontario who is fighting brain cancer. He has a very rare kind of brain cancer in children called Rhabdoid Meningioma. He is undergoing his 3rd round of treatment in 4 years. In October 2019 the cancer returned and Brody is now undergoing Chemotherapy.
The first 2 rounds of IV Chemo did not reduce the tumor, and doctors now recommend an oral chemo treatment “new” for children that is not covered by employer benefits or fully paid for by OHIP. Expenses will potentially be up to $5,000 to $10,000 for the Rankka family.
The donations raised through the Ride-a-Thon will assist the Rankka family with chemo medication, travel and meal expenses. Brody is being treated at Sick Kids Hospital and Southlake Hospital in Newmarket.
Donate to help Shannon raise money for BIKE-for-BRODY Ride-A-Thon’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date |
Donor name |
Donation amount |
Sarah Zimmer
Undisclosed amount
Roz Llewellyn
Dave Yauk