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Good Samaritan Center

Raise money for Good Samaritan Center

The Good Samaritan Center is currently assisting families and individuals in the greater Jackson and Laurel areas of Mississippi with food assistance, SNAP applications, and unemployment applications. We are seeing so many people who are struggling with food scarcity and employment for the first time due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

We are also currently partnering with Jackson Housing Authority to assist Golden Key Senior Apartment residents, and we're hoping to expand our senior support services. We're encountering many seniors that may have the financial resources to provide food for themselves, but they're too afraid to go to be out in public, and they cannot be forgotten during this time! 

Additionally, during the COVID-19 crisis, Good Samaritan Center in Jackson is a perishable food storage hub for other organizations, thanks to KLLM Transport and their temporary donation of a refrigerated truck. (We spend a lot of time gleaning these days with Extra Table!)

We are serving our communities to the fullest extent possible during these uncertain times! Help us continue our mission of assisting those who need it the most during this crisis! 

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 28 Ethan Mayeu Undisclosed amount
May 28 Ethan Mayeu Undisclosed amount
May 25 Bobby Graham Undisclosed amount
May 24 Mandy Margolis Undisclosed amount
May 23 Christy Love Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous I would just like a medal or buff(?) for my lil walking collection. Thanks Good Sam Undisclosed amount
May 14 Anonymous $70.00
May 13 Jean Lowrey $25.00
May 12 Michael McDonald $250.00
May 07 Jackie Wright Undisclosed amount