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Help Ari raise money

For participating in Run to Feed the Hungry Virtual 10K/5K

My Story…

Hi Friends, I started volunteering with the Sacramento Food Bank a few months ago and have been very impressed with them as an organization (and you know how critical I can be). The Sacramento Food Bank is the largest nonprofit provider of basic human needs in Sacramento County. In 2017-2018 they helped distribute almost 20 million pounds of food to the local Community. During Covid they've really had to ramp up their services (imagine over night having to increase from 20 million lbs) to meet the growing need for food assistance while also losing some very important fundraising opportunities. I decided to sign up for Run to Feed the Hungry when another volunteer shared with me that this race is usually the Food Banks largest fundraising event of the year. I want to see them raise a record breaking amount this year, I also could use a good excuse to start running again. Please give what you can and together we'll make 2020 a little more bearable for a friend in need.

Donate to help Ari raise money for Run to Feed the Hungry Virtual 10K/5K’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 28 C & T <3 $26.25
Nov 25 Chris Lohouse $26.25
Nov 25 Marti Romances Go go go!!! $26.25
Nov 25 Anonymous $52.50
Nov 25 Chase Good luck Ari! $26.25
Nov 24 Anonymous $105.00
Nov 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 23 Marc 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ $105.00
Nov 23 Vlad Spears WOOO ARI! $262.50
Nov 23 MC Go Ari!! $52.50