Help Nora raise money
For participating in Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
“Life is a gift” took on a whole new meaning for my sister in 2012 when she looked death in the eye, having suffered a SCAD heart attack at the young age of 36. Her kids were toddlers and she feared she would not be able to watch them grow up. She has since thrown her “healed” heart and soul into advocacy and fundraising. The efforts of so many continue to culminate in better care of patients across the country and around the world.
Your donations have made this possible. More women's symptoms are being taken seriously and are being correctly diagnosed. Please continue to help us. It matters.
Thank you for your consideration from the bottom of my heart. ❤️
Donate to help Nora raise money for Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home’s fundraising campaign.