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Help Michelle raise money

For participating in Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home

My Story…

After almost four years of searching for answers, I finally have a definitive diagnosis. SCAD is becoming more and more well known as a killer of younger women and men. I personally know that more research needs to be done because there is no known cure and no one knows what exactly causes scad right now. The more funds we have to research, the more we have available to put into finding out how to prevent this in the future. Please consider donating to scad research.

Donate to help Michelle raise money for Virtual SCADaddle & Mayo SCAD@Home’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 13 Anonymous $11.00
Oct 13 Camille V. $22.15
Aug 31 Megan Baillou $11.50