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Help Aimee raise money

For participating in Gold Country Wildlife Rescue Run

My Story…

One night last year, as my boyfriend drove home from work, he spotted a gravely injured deer in Gold River. It was attempting to move away from the main road, but was too hurt to stand or walk. My boyfriend stopped to keep an eye on the deer and called me for assistance. I called around to the Sheriff, park ranger, and animal control to see if anyone could help. We assumed the deer was beyond saving, but couldn't leave it to continue suffering. The response we got was that there was too much red tape for the Sheriff or ranger to get involved and that there was a single animal control officer on duty for the entire county who was quite far away on another call. I left messages with some wildlife rescues, not optimistic that I would hear back or get help. Gold Country Wildlife Rescue called me back quickly, however. Ben was nearby and quite literally came to our rescue in spite of having his own personal plans for the evening. The animal control officer arrived not long after Ben did--we're convinced due to Ben making calls on the way there. My boyfriend left at that point, so we don't know the aftermath, but we are confident that the deer suffered far less as a result of GCWR's intervention.

Ever since that night, I've been a passionate GCWR supporter. While my story doesn't have a happy ending in the traditional sense, many of GCWR's stories do. They are compassionate heroes that care for and rehabilitate thousands of injured, sick, and orphaned wild animals each year. During 2019, GCWR cared for nearly 3,500 animals and responded to more than 12,000 wildlife-related inquiries, all at no charge to the public and with no government funding. As an avid nature lover, it brings me comfort to know that I can count on them to help when I find a wild animal in need.

Donate to help Aimee raise money for Gold Country Wildlife Rescue Run’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 23 Nan We are so proud of your athletics & fundraising for such a worthy cause! Love, Nan $107.35
Nov 22 Joseph L Staats $107.35
Nov 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 17 Jennifer This is an impressive level of effort Aimee. $54.10
Nov 11 Aimee Staats $426.85
Nov 06 Dakota Consulting $107.35
Nov 02 Brian $27.48
Nov 01 Dakota Consulting $107.35
Oct 31 Sue ODonnell $107.35