Spots remain available at 8am and 10am start times of
11-25-2020. Event limit per start is 50
Link for Covid 19 Release / Print and sign, form required at Packet Pickup
The runs will be in person but small for
plenty of social distancing
All 3 starts will be merged for overall results
New in-person Turkey Trot in Carmel!
Introducing the
Turkey 3-Way
a fresh twist on the traditional turkey trot.
You pick when you want to run your trot... 8am, 9am, or 10am.
Each trot is 4K, some on pavement, some on the amazing Northview Church cross country course.
If you're brave, or a glutton for punishment, or just don't want to spend the morning with your cousins, you can do the Fat Turkey!
Fat Turkeys run all three races for a total of 12K (which is roughly equivalent to 4 servings of mashed potatoes).
Plus, Fat Turkeys get their race T-shirt for free!
Each race is limited to 250 participants. Please respect social distancing before and after the race, and around the starting line.
Finish times for all 3 races will be combined and posted for final results. Fat Turkeys will get times for each race!
This is a great way to keep your Turkey Trot tradition going.
This event may be the one and only
with the hopes of Thanksgiving Day races returning to normal in 2021
This event will benefit
Link for Covid 19 Release / Print and sign, form required at Packet Pickup
Registration fees
4K / 8am Start Closed
The 4K is bit on pavement a bit on the cross country course
$20.00Oct 15 - Nov 25
4K / 9am Start Closed
The 4K is bit on pavement a bit on the cross country course Per event limit set at 60 to accommodate families entering
$20.00Oct 15 - Nov 25
4K / 10am Start Closed
The 4K is bit on pavement a bit on the cross country course
$20.00Oct 15 - Nov 25
Fat Turkey 12K Closed
The 4K is bit on pavement a bit on the cross country course 3 times 8am 9am 10am Separate times each event and a combined FAT TURKEY Time NO SHIRTS AVAILABLE FOR THIS EVENT AS OF 11-24-2020
3 races for half the price
Oct 15 - Nov 25
Contact information
- Event contact
- Marty Day
- Website
- Visit website