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Help Colin raise money

For participating in 2021 Sporting Life Virtual 10k

Help me raise money to send kids with cancer to #CampOoch through the #SL10K

My Story...

Admittedly, I am not much of a runner.  I don't find it that fun, can't say I really know how to train properly, was cursed with little legs and no stride.  It just isn't a love of mine...

But what IS a love of mine is Camp Ooch & Trillium!!  That is why I am challenging myself to run 10km ten times between May 9th and May 30th.  

I will be running as a part of the Ooch/Trillium staff team - the hardest working, most committed, talented and coolest group of people I know!

So please support us!  Support our campers and their families and the incredible, life changing experiences that Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium are providing to them every day!

P.S.  Here is a photo of me last year getting ready to run the 10k in my Ooch Sweater and Trillium Hat.


A diagnosis of childhood cancer changes life in an instant. 

For affected kids and families, it can suddenly feel like everything is about cancer. Camp Ooch offers a hopeful journey, where kids with cancer can just be kids, and families connect with a community of strength and support when they need it the most. 

They are much more than a summer camp—they offer the social cure for childhood cancer. Their camp-inspired programs deliver fun, friendship, and community to 1,900 kids and 745 families year-round, all across Ontario. As a response to COVID-19, virtual camp and in-hospital programs continue to reach kids and families living in isolation, wherever they are.

Please consider making a donation to my fundraising efforts—your gift will make a world of difference!

Cancer changes a child’s life. So does camp. And so can you. 


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 19 Andrew, Zoe, Isabelle $43.50
Mar 06 Karla Lhotsky $54.24
Feb 25 Judy and Terry Go Colin !!! $54.24
Feb 25 Antonin Lhotsky I hope your short legs will handle this challenge without too much pain $107.91
Feb 25 Caley Bornbaum $54.24
Feb 25 Laura Herbert Hey good luck. Running IS terrible. Godspeed. $54.24
Feb 25 Colin Leonard $107.91
Feb 25 Kate Gatto $27.41
Feb 25 CortO $27.41
Feb 25 Sylvie and Richard Way to go Colin. We'll cheer you on. $320.34