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Help François raise money

For participating in 2021 Sporting Life Virtual 10k

Help me raise money to send kids with cancer to #CampOoch through the #SL10K

My Story...

 Hey everyone, 

I'm running in the Sporting Life Virtual "10k 10X - 100K  " starting on May 9th to make a difference in the lives of kids and their parents affected by Cancer. Having two small children of my own, I couldn't imagine having to deal with these circumstances and it breaks my heart. Any donation is much appreciated and makes a difference in these kids' lives. 

I will be giving live updates on my Instagram story "ThrillTaker" on every run. I will probably be crawling by the end of it but I will get it done for the kids!

From the great outdoors to hospital floors—at camp or online—Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium is there for kids affected by childhood cancer and their families.

Join me on this journey and again any donation is much appreciated. You can receive a tax receipt if you donate more than $5! 

Much love, Stay Strong, wish me luck! 



A diagnosis of childhood cancer changes life in an instant. 

For affected kids and families, it can suddenly feel like everything is about cancer. Camp Ooch offers a hopeful journey, where kids with cancer can just be kids, and families connect with a community of strength and support when they need it the most. 

They are much more than a summer camp—they offer the social cure for childhood cancer. Their camp-inspired programs deliver fun, friendship, and community to 1,900 kids and 745 families year-round, all across Ontario. As a response to COVID-19, virtual camp and in-hospital programs continue to reach kids and families living in isolation, wherever they are.

Please consider making a donation to my fundraising efforts—your gift will make a world of difference!

Cancer changes a child’s life. So does camp. And so can you. 


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Jason Kenneth Michael Thank you for all your support of myself and other small business'. This is an awesome cause. Good luck on the home stretch François! $54.24
May 15 Memere & Pepere $27.41
May 13 Bobby S Well Done Francois on taking this initiative to help raise funds to fight Cancer. 10x10kms Superman! $107.91
May 13 Jie Song $86.44
May 13 Matt Muir $81.08
May 08 Shiny Gomez Great job Francois. All the best! $27.41
May 08 Dan B Way to go, Francois! $75.71
May 07 The Shteefa Giddyup! $25.00
May 06 Chad Fehr $43.50
May 06 Alice H. Go François, go! $54.24