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Help Emily raise money

For participating in 2021 Cleveland Marathon

My Story…

Check out our Fast Pants team page, where we're raising $$ to benefit the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center!

Why Fast Pants? My pal Erin calls me Pants because I always wear them. We'll be wearing the fast ones in October :). Why $3623? It's the number of days since The Great Escape. Why CRCC? This is an amazing organization that has helped me and many of the people I care about with FREE services. Time to pay it forward! October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and CRCC is an incredible resource in our community - if you'd like more info about either, let me know!

Donate to help Emily raise money for 2021 Cleveland Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 12 Ebie, Thomas and Jeff $54.43
Jun 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount