- Most volunteer roles take place outside and will have limited close contact with others
- Limiting the number of people on park to ensure there is space to social distance
- Following the provincial guidelines of the time
- Masks are recommended but not mandatory
- Eliminated touchpoints such as kids zone and massage as well as anything that encourages dwell time
- Reduced indoor areas
- Increased cleaning
- Self-serve refueling stations
- If you're participating --> consider helping at package pick-up and asking your friends and family who want to support you to volunteer.
- If you're not participating this year but have in the past --> consider giving back and cheering others on race day while filling an essential volunteer role.
- If you're a longstanding volunteer --> we missed you and we can't wait to see you again.
- If you're with a group, team, company or organization that wants to volunteer together --> we need about 20 groups to fill aid stations and other areas where you will volunteer together.
What do you get for volunteering?
- A keepsake black poly blend shirt that says RUN THIS CITY in Run Calgary colours
- Volunteer food and refreshments are provided for your shift
- Invitation to a digital online volunteer orientation
- Eligibility for exclusive draw prizes
- Experience the fun and excitement of a marathon without the training, sweat or anxiety
- A spectacular safe and outside experience that brings our community together
- Contribute to this Calgary tradition and help make finish line dreams come true at the 57th Scotiabank Calgary Marathon
Volunteer 2021 FAQs
Why is the event in September?
We moved our premier event, The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon from May to September in 2021 to give ourselves the best possible opportunity to hold a normal as possible event that people have come to love and look forward to. It will be back to the last weekend in May in 2022.
What to expect on race weekend?
As we plan for September, every decision we are making through the lens of covid safety, as well as general safety, we ask the question ‘how can we keep the experience high and risk factor low for our participants and volunteers?’ This has meant changing the location and format of package pick-up, creating better flow through for the start/finish areas to eliminate dwell time (something we have always encouraged!) We are moving participants around the Grandstand instead of through it to keep people outside. We have 17,000 seats for spectators so we will still allow people to come and watch, but we will encourage people to spread out throughout the stands rather than everyone bunching in lower stands. Runners and volunteers will be given grab and go bags instead of self-serve food and aid stations will be contactless pick up. Specific changes and instructions will be given to you for your area by your lead. If you have questions, always ask!
What has gone into making the event safe to return – planning, new procedures, training, revised operations for volunteers?
The Run Calgary staff has invested 2880 hours into learning, planning and creating revised plans and budgets to be able to host an event in 2021 under covid restrictions. It has been an endless stream of conversation with colleagues across the industry, reading materials from other industries and experts, watching and participating in webinars, team meetings, site checks, and then reworking and testing plan after plan. We have never felt more confident in the team’s ability to create and execute a world-class event.
What happens if I am sick?
Do not come to the event if you are feeling unwell. Please let your lead, or whoever you have been in contact with, know you are unable to make your shift as soon as you are aware.
Do I need to wear a mask?
We are following the guidelines at the time, so if it’s not being mandated by the provincial government or city officials then it will be up to you whether you choose to wear a mask or not.
What if I am not comfortable returning where there will be a lot of people or I have to work inside?
No problem! We have dozens of opportunities for you to work alone or solely with people in your household, and we can provide contactless pick up for your gear. Predominantly, volunteer roles are outside and won’t require close interactions with many people. We can also place groups of people, families and bubbles together. Just ask!
Are the events open to runners from other provinces?
Alberta is open and we welcome people to come to Calgary so long as you follow the provincial and federal rules at that time. We look forward to bringing healthy people together! Participants and volunteers who have self-selected to participate and want to be back taking part in community events that are good for their health and wellbeing.
What are the capacities of the events?
We have the in-person race capped at 5000 – which is less than 50% in a typical year. This allows us to accommodate social distancing and pulse starts on such a large venue like Stampede Park.