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Help Tammy raise money

For participating in 2021 Sport Chek Mothers Day Run, Walk and Ride

My Story…

I decided to do the Mother’s Day run walk and ride to support the FMC NICU and Canadian tire jumpstart for kids. The NICU is near and dear to our hearts as our Youngest son spent a better portion of his first 3 months there. Feel free to support either Charity as they are both great ones. 

Donate to help Tammy raise money for 2021 Sport Chek Mothers Day Run, Walk and Ride’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Christine Wihelm $107.72
May 06 Donna Lagasse I'm so proud of you for doing this. Its a great cause. $54.31
Apr 28 Linda Berreth $107.72
Mar 24 Alex Sutherland $27.60