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Help Ethan raise money

For participating in The 2021 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


Moving Forward Inc's purpose is to provide Day and Employment Services to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, social anxiety, and mild intellectual disabilities, transition to greater independence.  Moving Forward is truly a special organization, intentionally designed small to aid individuals who can easily be lost in a larger organization.  I am running to support the efforts of Moving Forward Inc whose basic principles are care and respect for all people.  

Last year our Falmouth Road Race team raised funds to aid in major renovations needed to the newly purchased building on 45 White Cap Lane in West Barnstable.  This year we would are focusing on the outdoor space.  Moving Forward has major landscaping needs along with a desire for an sun sheltered outdoor meeting space.    

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 13 Moving Forward Inc Undisclosed amount