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Thames Valley Children’s Centre

Raise money for Thames Valley Children’s Centre

OUR CHARITY – Thames Valley Children’s Centre

100% of the proceeds of the races go to the Thames Valley Children’s Centre

Thames Valley Children’s Centre is a regional rehabilitation centre for children and young adults with physical disabilities, communication disorders, developmental delays, and autism spectrum disorders, living primarily in Southwestern Ontario. TVCC is a community-oriented Centre providing assessment, diagnosis, consultation and therapy to help young people reach their potential in terms of independence, self esteem and participation in society.

The TVCC serve more than 7,000 children ranging from newborns to young adults, every year. The net proceeds from the event support TVCC’s commitment to providing opportunities to participate for clients and their families through enhanced programs. From sports, drama and music programs that assist TVCC clients to participate in leisure activities to Parent Mentor programs and Moms’ Group. Siblings of our TVCC clients also receive support through our SibShop workshops, designed just for siblings of children with special needs.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 25 KRM Way to go Hayden! CA$25.00
Apr 25 Sharon Helmkay CA$100.00
Apr 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 25 Dan Burch CA$25.00
Apr 25 Anonymous Congratulations Nico and mom Pauline for continuing this amazing tradition. Undisclosed amount
Apr 25 Michelle Payne Keep doing what you are doing Meda!! ❤️ CA$50.00
Apr 25 Fawn Hill Some how missed this so I am here late. You did a great job wish I could do as well as you. Here is a little something from Me to TVCC CA$50.00
Apr 25 Dad and Shayna Way to go Hayden!! We are very proud of you. Rocket girl! CA$100.00
Apr 25 Hilary Jenkins CA$100.00
Apr 25 Betty Dore thanks to all of you for raising funds for such a great cause CA$50.00