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Help Devorah raise money

For participating in 2021 Virtual Spring Walk

My Story…

We were so excited for the arrival of our sweet girl. We got the nursery ready in giraffe theme and got all the needed items to make sure everything was safe. On March 1, 2019 our lives changed forever. Devorah started having contraction in the morning and we went to the hospital that afternoon. We were so excited to welcome our first child into the world. In the triage room they used the Doppler to check the heartbeat and when they didn’t find it the nurse shared that the machine has been “finicky all day.” They got another machine and someone else came in, then the resident came in and said, “no heartbeat” These are words that no parent should ever have to hear. The next 14 hours were a blur and the hardest hours of our lives.

Olivia Rachel Schlein was born at 6:05 am March 2, 2019 weight 7pounds 2 ounces. NILMDTS was contacted and took beautiful pictures of Olivia. These pictures hang all around our house and are something that will be cherished forever. We are so grateful for the volunteers and how much comfort the pictures from NILMDTS  bring to us. Your donation goes towards providing other families with these precious pictures.


Help raise money for the NILMDTS Spring Virtual Remembrance Walk!


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 13 Ron and Rita Kelner We always will remember Olivia. $37.80
Feb 13 Jillian Baker $21.00
Feb 13 Harold and Sari Lederman Missing our first borne granddaughter every day and what should have been. You will always be a part of our lives. Love Baubie and Zaydie $131.25
Jan 24 Devorah Schlein We miss you everyday baby girl $36.00