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Fresh Start Recovery Centre

Raise money for Fresh Start Recovery Centre

There’s no better time to start a new life than right now.


“Fresh Start is recovering lives by Housing, Treating and Supporting people affected by addiction”


“Every Individual – Recovery for Life”

As you know, Marathons are hard work. You train daily and alter your lifestyle to get results that at one point you never dreamed possible. It starts with a dream, then a belief and then you engage in dogged determination, sometimes against all odds to reach your goal. 

In many ways, recovery is a lot like training for a marathon with one exception. The exception is that there are no finish lines and the “training” never ends. The rewards come along the journey by way of better physical and mental health, improved relationships with people who once loved you and have come to love and respect you again, a new respect for people who you once believe were different from you and a heightened willingness to help others who are struggling and need help. 

Fresh Start Recovery Centre is grateful to Run Calgary for selecting us as the front running charity for the 2021 Mulligan Marathon Weekend - The 'Do Over Run'. 

Since 1992, Fresh Start has been transforming and saving lives impacted by the disease of addiction and earning respect for helping so many people receive treatment for this disease and find an enriching life in long term recovery. Fresh Start has been named one of the top three treatment centers' in Canada for many years and the best treatment centre in 2010, 2013 and 2014 and the best Social Serving Agency in 2014 by the Donner Canada Foundation. Charity Intelligence Canada has named Fresh Start a Five Start (formerly Four Star) charity since 2007 and a Top 100 Canadian Charity, Top 10 Canadian Impact Charity, Top 10 Impact Charity and Top 5 Calgary Impact Charity. 

Your support of Fresh Start this year will truly have impact and make a difference to the individuals and families struggling with the disease of addiction. Your gifts will provide:

  • $20 will feed a man in recovery for a day
  • $50 will give a man his Recovery Manual – the workbook where he takes stock of his life to this point and maps out his plans for the future   
  • $80 will offset the $200 cost of one day of housing, treating and supporting a man 
  • $110 will provide a family access to our Family Healing Program to 
  • $500 will provide gas for one of our shuttle vans to take men to meetings and pick-up provisions necessary for supporting treatment. 

There are many other countless ways that your donations will help men and families fund recovery from addiction. 

Fresh Start is grateful for the important and hard work that you are doing in your training and thank you in advance for your support in helping those we serve to maintain their marathon training for life.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jan 24 Brad Cotton $54.31
Jan 24 Anonymous $27.60
Jan 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jan 23 Anonymous $107.72
Jan 23 Anonymous $107.72
Jan 23 Anonymous $54.31
Jan 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jan 22 Danielle Hughes $10.00
Jan 22 Laura Henderson $27.60
Jan 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount