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Help Alessia raise money

For participating in Toronto Marathon Virtual

My Story…

My mom was diagnosed with ocular melanoma in 2017. In 2018, it had spread and clinical trials and treatments were unfortunately unsuccessful. I lost my mom before Christmas of 2018. Two weeks later I lost my grandfather to cancer as well.

My mom was my number 1 fan and my biggest role model. She pushed me to be the best version of myself and I owe a lot to her. My grandfather was my protector and advice giver. I wanted to do this run as a way to remember them and to make them proud. I also did this run to thank the amazing doctors at Princess Margaret for doing everything in their power for my mom.

I have chosen to run for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and the Canadian Cancer Society, so we may be able to find a cure to this horrible disease and no one needs to say goodbye to their loves ones the way I had to.

Thank you for all your support as I challenge myself to complete this run. Help me do some good in the world and kick cancer's butt.



Donate to help Alessia raise money for Toronto Marathon Virtual’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 21 Sandro & Yesenia Bertoia So proud! We know they are smiling down on you. CA$268.36
Mar 21 The De Cassan Family So proud of you!! CA$214.69
Mar 21 Alex Gandza Wishing you the best of luck! CA$26.84
Mar 20 Kim & Dan We are very proud of you. Good luck! CA$53.67
Mar 20 Steve & Stella Boem CA$268.36
Mar 20 Marina & Lisa Cuffaro We’re all so proud of you! You got our full support. We love you!! CA$53.67
Mar 20 samm CA$107.35
Mar 20 Caitlin Mangiapane GO Alessia GO! -Caitlin CA$53.67
Mar 10 Alessia Boem CA$26.84