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Help us raise money

For participating in Toronto Marathon Virtual

Our story…

Otilia was truly a positive beam of sunshine. She was bright, witty and an absolute pleasure to be around. No matter what she was facing at work or in life – even when she was going through the toughest health battle of her life – she was cracking jokes, making light of each situation or conversation she was a part of, and making people feel special and heard. If you knew Otilia on a more personal level, you know that she was the hardest worker – both at KFF and in her personal life. 

As her colleagues and friends, we will be running/walking the virtual Toronto Marathon to raise funds for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in her honour. 

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 27 Adia MacKende So proud of you for reaching your goal! Love you! CA$26.84
May 27 Kathy MacIntyre Happy for you Honey CA$21.47
May 27 Joey MacIntyre Good job CA$21.47
May 27 Way to go Buffy CA$26.84
May 27 LyndaLou So proud of you, Buffy!! CA$53.67
May 27 Terrie MacIntyre Great cause.. congratulations CA$53.67
May 27 Austin CA$107.35
May 27 Flora CA$26.84
May 27 Mauline Segre Lyon Way to go, Megan! CA$26.84
May 27 Godfrey Kiu CA$53.67