On Monday, February 15th 2021
Nutrien Wonderhub will host its
re-imagined friend-raising event
with Shauna Foster
virtually at Nutrien Wonderhub.
Activities will be posted on Dash Island on Wonder World
starting at 9:30 AM, Monday, February 15
What’s a friend-raiser? It’s a fundraiser but there’s no registration fee to sign up a team to participate, so no matter how much you can contribute, you get to be a part of the fun. We do encourage teams to either donate, or collect pledges, to help support Wonderhub and the more you raise, the more prize entries you get. But every team gets one entry for door prizes just for signing up and completing their Dashport.
Join us for a fun filled day for the whole family!
Discovery Dash is more than just an event, it’s a way for families to come together and make memories. Teams (of up to 6) will need to complete tasks or activities at our VIRTUAL activity stations through Nutrien Wonderhub’s virtual content website – Wonder World. Once teams complete each activity, they will fill in the answer to the corresponding activity station on their Discovery Dashport. Think of this as Amazing Race meets Cranium! The tasks will be creative, and some will be for one member to complete, while others will require team work. Once a team completes everything, Dashports can be return via email or to the admission desk in person, to be entered for prizes.
Once registered for the Discovery Dash, Team Captains will receive an email with a link (also available below) to download additional information to participate in the event. This will include a downloadable Dashport, activity schedule and additional instructions.
Please visit: wonderhub.ca/discoverydash for additional event details and downloadable content.
There is not a minimum amount to register, however we are
encouraging teams to raise what they are able!
Thanks to Carla Loney-Tindall and Joe Tindall for being our presenting sponsors and matching all donations and pledges up to $5,000!
Registered teams who donate or receive a minimum of $50 per team in pledges are able to pick up a Dash Activity Kit between February 9th to 14th that comes with materials used to complete all of the activities plus some bonus swag as a thank you!
Participants that haven’t raised or donated the minimum or are unable to come to Wonderhub and pick up a kit, will need to find their own materials. (But don’t worry, they are all easy materials to find!)
Registration Information:
Teams can register all together on the same form, or register separately and be added to a team. The Team Captain, when registering will create a new Team (with a Team Name) and once that is completed, additional members can join that team.
Please note that teams are limited to 6 persons, and one team member must be under the age of 12.
*If you are registering a child and they do not have their own email address, please email anneka@wonderhub.ca and we can assist you adding them to your team!
**Note about donations - when registering there is no fee to register, and if you do not wish to leave a donation at the time of registration, scroll to the bottom of the form when it asks for a donation, and it will say no donation and you will just click the green button to continue with your registration. If you have difficulty, please contact Nutrien Wonderhub.
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Discovery Dash 2021 - Public Teams Closed
Choose this registration if you are signing up or joining a personal Family Team ie. Smith Family Team
Event Registration - Public Teams
Registrant #1 will be the Team Captain - please create your Team Name and add participants to it. 5 additional persons can be on each team for a total of 6. One participant must be under the age of 12.
Discovery Dash 2021 - Corporate Team Closed
Choose this registration if you are signing up or joining a Corporate Team ie. Team Wonderhub.
Event Registration - Corporate Team
Registrant #1 will be the Team Captain - please create your Team Name and add participants to it. 5 additional persons can be on each team for a total of 6. One participant must be under the age of 12.
Presenting Sponsor - Matching all pledges and donations up to $5,000!
Carla Loney-Tindall and Joe Tindall
Activity Station Sponsors
Promotional Sponsor
Top donors
No. | Name | Amount |
1 | Erica Bird | CA$265.75 |
2 | Art Postle | CA$212.60 |
3 | Heather Downing | CA$106.30 |
Contact information
- Event contact
- Anneka Richer
- anneka@wonderhub.ca
- Phone
- 306-249-3574 ext. 228