My Story…
Thank you for donating! This year I have a HUGE goal and I appreciate every dollar that is put towards migraine and headache awareness. Your money goes to programs that encourage fellows to pursue migraine and headache medicine so that Cleveland can get better care!
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Jun 29 | Kane Family | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 28 | The Smerke Family | $26.62 |
Jun 28 | The Hahn's | $26.62 |
Jun 28 | Anonymous | $106.48 |
Jun 27 | Toni Cornacchione | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 25 | Tom and Cheryle Mackie | $266.20 |
Jun 23 | Linda Fadel | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 23 | Monique Lavallee | $106.48 |
Jun 22 | Dennis Schlachter | $26.62 |
Jun 17 | Fennell | $26.62 |