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Help Charlie raise money

For participating in Marauders’ March: The 1,000 Mile Challenge

My Story…

I only ask my friends to donate once a year, and to one charity, the 1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation.  This foundation supports the Rangers and families of the 1st Ranger Battalion.  Nobody on its board takes any salary.

The 1st Ranger Battalion was my first Army assignment as a 17 year old private in 1977. All I knew about it was that my Dad thought it was the hardest job you could do in the Army then.  

He was right.

The lessons I learned there have stuck with me for almost half a century now.  For good or ill, my experience there shaped the kind of soldier I was, and to some extent, the kind of man I have become.

Dave Weinberg and I served in the same platoon in Alpha Company, 1/75, many years apart.  We came up with idea of the Marauders' March as a way honor our predecessors, and to capture the imagination of our friends and family in hopes you will join us in supporting this foundation.

We plan to cover 1,000 miles, collectively,  in the month of March by bicycling, running, swimming, rowing, and walking.  Thirty years ago, 500 miles in a month wouldn't have been a real stretch for me.  Today, halfway through my 60th year, I admit I find it a little daunting.  I am committed, however, to doing that, or more.

If you are inspired by our attempt, if you admire the heros of Merrill's Marauders, or if you just want to support the some of the toughest, fittest, and savviest troops in the world today, I hope you will will use this event as a way to donate to SSF.

Dave and I will keep you updated on our progress to 1,000 miles.

Thanks, in advance, for your donation in ANY amount.

Rangers lead the way.

For information about challenge, and more about Merrill's Marauders, click below.


Please donate to raise money for the 1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation. The all volunteer board members ensure that 95% of every donation is directed to its mission to maintain the pristine 1st Ranger Battalion Memorial and provides rapid financial and logistical assistance to 1-75 Rangers and their families in times of crisis and beyond. The Sua Sponte Foundation is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, Tax ID#27-4386692.

To learn more about the genesis of this month long 1,000 mile challenge, click on the Marauders' March Main page below:

Marauders' March Main Page

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 25 Michael M Murray $107.35
Feb 25 Page Whatley I was in Aco and HHC 80-82, great cause. RLTW. $27.48
Feb 25 Mary Rezendes Charlie and Dave, I know you can do 1,000 miles between you. RLTW! $533.35
Feb 24 Hank Swicegood Jr Great cause. Sua Sponte $107.35
Feb 24 Harry Wimbrough $107.35
Feb 24 Riley and Melanie Rainey Undisclosed amount
Feb 24 Nancy Lucas Hope you reach your goal!! $54.10
Feb 24 Walt Bartlett As always I am honored to support this endeavor. Given in memory of SSG William C. (Bill) Sears, Jr. USA (Ret) $27.48
Feb 24 Sua sponte $54.10
Feb 24 Innovative Realty Contracting $22.15