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Help Katie raise money

For participating in Miles for Migraine - Philadelphia 2021

My Story…

Hi Family and Friends ~

I am going to start early this year! I am off to my start at raising money for Migraine Disease. Migraine is #2 on the list of disabilities and yet when those try to get approved for disability they have to jump through hoops, get declined multiple time and even have to hire an attorney to get approved for disability pay. We are in the year 2021, how is this still happening? In the last two years, I have learned so much about my disease and I work tirelessly to fight for other to recognize Migraine as a disease as well as fight the stigma that is behind migraine. For those that have read my story know that I fought and beat cancer in my sinuses and right eye orbit (receiving Chemotherapy and Radiation). The radiation to my face, left me to battle Intractable Chronic Migraine the last 14 years. Meaning, I have not had ONE SINGLE DAY for 14 years WITHOUT a migraine. I go to sleep with a migraine, I wake up with a migraine. Yes, my level of migraine can change, I have my triggers. My average daily migraine is a level of 4-5. I cannot work full-time, I miss who I was before cancer AND migraine. Working full-time as a Regional Marketing Director was a big part of who I was. When that is taken away from you, who you are is torn apart. You face stigma from others (remember on the outside you LOOK fine, migraine is invisible), you face depression, you are the hardest person on yourself!  I now help others understand their migraine better because if I can offer them some comfort that I did not have in the beginning of my disease, well, the first 12 years, I WANT to do that! I oversee Miles for Migraine Support Groups and Co-Facilitate 2 of our Support Groups. I lead our group of volunteers as well. I go to Washington DC to meet with our Senators and Congress about our migraine disease and ask for more funding or help getting more Headache Specialists in the field, or whatever our ask is each year. It is so empowering! While there is not cure for our disease, I am one person that will not stop fighting for funding and for more specialists in this field. There is always something new on the horizon. With more funding, they could work even faster! If you wouldn't mind supporting me, I would greatly appreciate it. A $5.00 or $10.00 contribution helps just as much as a $100.00 contribution as it all adds up. I AM HOPING that by the time we get to the Philadelphia Event, maybe we will be able to be live for this event, as the live events are sooo powerful! Until then, I will do my walk with my family and Cooper by my side right her in Delaware. Your help and donation is appreciated more than you know! Thank you so much!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 25 Eugenia Auchincloss $27.48