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Help Amanda raise money

For participating in HoHoHoliday 5K 2021 - Virtual Edition

This holiday season we invite you to Spark Joy and Create Hope.

To kick off the holiday season we would love for all of our people to join us in support of Make-a-Wish who gifted Maizie with her very own Hot Tubbies. Many wonderful memories were made and lots of splashes and giggles were had. We would love nothing more than her running with us, but seeing a group of Santa’s from the clouds will surely make her belly laugh up in heaven.


I'm raising funds to help grant life-changing wishes for Make-A-Wish Canada through my participation in the HoHoHoliday 5K 2021! 

The holidays are a time like no other, when we watch, and we remember the magic of what it is to be a child. This year especially, many of us will feel a sense of hope and joy we haven’t known for a very long time as we reconnect with family and friends to celebrate traditions together.  But for children with critical illnesses, a life of uncertainty remains.  Robbed of the simple joys of childhood, sadly hospital stays, doctor’s visits and painful treatments are their “normal”, even during the holiday season. 

This holiday season we invite you to Spark Joy and Create Hope. 

Donate today and help make a child’s wish come true! 


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Dec 09 Ralph Fran Judson For our beautiful Maizie CA$261.87
Dec 09 Brandon MacNeil CA$26.19
Dec 09 Great Grammie and Grampie Shea With love from Great Grammie and Grampie CA$104.75
Dec 09 Megan Merritt In Memory of Maizie ❤️ CA$26.19
Dec 09 Kim and Jeff CA$26.19
Dec 08 Mary & Doug Beautiful Maizie forever loved by Mary & Doug Pyne CA$104.75
Nov 28 Jana & Spencer Love ya Maizie J CA$26.19