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Space Coast Intervention Center

Raise money for Space Coast Intervention Center

Established in 1987 by Betsy Farmer to provide a school for her son with Down Syndrome, Space Coast Early Intervention Center provides our students with the most up-to-date curricula available for children with or without disabilities.  SCEIC’s purpose has been and continues to be the education of children in an inclusion environment.

At Space Coast Early Intervention Center, we believe that every child of every ability deserves individualized instruction and benefits from inclusive classroom environments.  Our unique inclusion program provides equal learning opportunities for all children, regardless of ability, to ensure they receive the academic and social skills needed to succeed in life.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 22 Miller & Hurt Wealth Advisorts Sorry about Purdue's NCAA Tournament demise. Maybe pedaling will help ease the sting! Thanks for being awesome Jim! $54.10
Mar 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 12 Mike and Tammy Durante $107.35
Mar 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount