Raise money for CHEO BBQ
About CHEO
The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario is a health care centre dedicated to providing comprehensive care to children and young people in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. CHEO offers a range of medical services for patients from birth through 18 years of age.
How funds are used
Donations help the hospital provide a wide variety of paediatric programs, research, state-of-the-art equipment, medical and nursing education, and assistance for families in crisis. Every child at CHEO benefits from The CHEO BBQ’s contributions through donations and pledging.
RECEIPTS - will be mailed out in the future.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Jun 11 | Fuller Family | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 11 | Amanda Kapcala | $27.80 |
Jun 11 | Nicolas POPLEMON | $27.80 |
Jun 11 | Kelsey Harper | $50.00 |
Jun 11 | Lee Barnett | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 11 | Lee Barnett | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 10 | Barry Family | $33.16 |
Jun 10 | Elias & Rejeanne Nasrallah (BBQ Ottawa) | $27.80 |
Jun 09 | Dan Hache | $108.31 |
Jun 09 | Johnny Hunt | $537.69 |