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Raise money for NatureBridge

The sole beneficiary for the Yosemite National Park Challenge is NatureBridge.

In 1971, a high school teacher named Don Rees assembled a group of 50 high school students in Yosemite for a week-long adventure. That trip inspired the founding of NatureBridge, formerly Yosemite Institute, and nearly five decades of overnight environmental education in our national parks.

Today, NatureBridge connects over 35,000 students and 600 schools each year to the wonder and science of the natural world, igniting self-discovery and inspiring stewardship of our planet. We operate in Yosemite National Park and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California; Olympic National Park in Washington; and Prince William Forest Park in Virginia.

As the largest education partner of the National Park Service, we are proud to support their mission to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 04 Susan Hawks McClintic Undisclosed amount
Apr 02 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 01 Diana Hunter $27.48
Apr 01 Kelly Fitzgerald $54.10
Apr 01 Franchot Harris $11.50
Apr 01 lisa mendelson Undisclosed amount
Apr 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 01 Marj Whinery $54.10