Raise money for Suicide Prevention Services
Who we are.
SPS was founded on May 29, 1998.
We are a 501(3)(c) non-profit.
Our mission is to open minds, save lives and restore hope through prevention, intervention and postvention, using education, advocacy and collaboration.
Suicide Prevention Services is located in
Batavia, IL. at Stone Manor: 528 S. Batavia Ave. Batavia, Illinois 60510
We have a staff of five, all with Master Degrees or higher, and about 20 volunteers and 6 interns. We also have a Board of Directors who volunteer to meet once a month and review our work.
We are certified every five years by the American Association of Suicidology. We just completed our most recent certification in December 2014.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
May 06 | Sue | $54.10 |
May 06 | Dan | $27.48 |
May 06 | Carol | $27.48 |
May 06 | Kyle Southcomb | $27.48 |
May 05 | Scott & Michelle Voris | $100.00 |
May 05 | Nicole McCabe | $54.10 |
May 05 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
May 03 | Anonymous | $25.00 |
May 01 | Fred and Dootsie Bryant | $54.10 |
Apr 29 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |