Raise money for Four Seasons Rotary Club
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Jun 14 | Will and Deni McIntyre | $27.48 |
Jun 06 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
May 27 | Victoria Benintende | $27.48 |
May 26 | MARK DONAGHY | $11.50 |
May 21 | Chuck Parr | Undisclosed amount |
May 14 | Alan Augustine | $27.48 |
May 11 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
May 08 | Anonymous | $5.00 |
May 06 | Susan Quigley | $27.48 |
Apr 30 | Anonymous | $27.48 |