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For participating in Bridget's Run 2021


Bridget's Run is a 1km/5km family fun run/walk in recognition of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and in support of Bridget's Bunnies and our community partners providing bereavement support for families who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.

Bridget's Bunnies is dedicated to ensuring no family endures pregnancy or infant loss alone. In memory of baby Bridget, who was born still just one day shy of her due date, comfort kits are provided to families in the Barrie and surrounding areas who are experiencing a loss. Kits include comfort items, memory makers and resources of support to provide gentle direction and compassion to help parents in the days that follow loss.

As COVID-19 marches on across the nation we know that families will continue to endure pregnancy and infant loss. As a result these families are left to navigate the ramifications of this traumatic experience in an environment of overwhelming uncertainty and fear.

Your support is needed now more than ever.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 8 of 25 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 17 Chevy and Lesley Moreau CA$108.31
Oct 16 Jacqui Morgan CA$27.80
Oct 16 Samantha Barnes Thank you for the work you do! CA$27.80
Oct 15 Wim koning CA$54.63
Oct 15 Christine Z CA$54.63
Oct 15 Bonneville Plumbing CA$54.63
Oct 12 Jessica Wicks In memory of Jane Walker CA$54.63
Oct 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 30 Anonymous CA$27.80
Sep 19 Don Hopkins Undisclosed amount