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Canadian Celiac Association

Raise money for Canadian Celiac Association

The Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) is here to help people with celiac disease and gluten disorders to regain power over every aspect of their lives.  Your support provides advocacy, education, and resources to those with celiac disease and gluten disorders.

The Canadian Celiac Association empowers people living with celiac disease and gluten disorders. 

1 in 100 Canadians lives with the burden and potential suffering that comes with celiac disease, a genetic autoimmune disorder that requires them to monitor and manage every morsel of food they consume. Unfortunately, up to 85% of those Canadians are exposed to potentially life-altering long-term health implications if not diagnosed.

Since 1973, the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) exists to help every Canadian with celiac disease get diagnosed and empowered.

  • Research: We are Canada's largest national charitable funder of celiac disease and gluten disorder research
  • Education: We provide access to free evidence-based education to help Canadians confirm their diagnosis and support their journey to live longer, healthier lives.
  • Support services: From the moment someone is diagnosed, CCA provides one-one-one to group supports along with local mentorship to help someone manage their life-long journey.
  • Celiac information: Backed by our world class Professional Advisory Council, we are a leading source of evidence-based resources on all things celiac and gluten free.
  • Advocacy: We advocate for patients to increase access to safe, gluten-free food, medication and timely diagnosis.

The CCA is a volunteer-based, federally registered charitable organization with its national office in Mississauga, Ontario. CCA serves people with celiac disease and gluten-related disorders through affiliated chapters across Canada.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 17 Eleanore Wickersham $100.00
Oct 17 pat run brian for all the family $25.00
Oct 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 17 Anonymous Thank you for participating in this important event. $50.00
Oct 17 Nancy Hi Margaret! I thought I would see you front and centre in this effort. Go-girl! Nancy $500.00
Oct 17 Anonymous $25.00
Oct 17 Sheilah Arena Good luck to everyone today, a very worthy cause of which I have benefitted greatly … 🙏 $100.00
Oct 17 Anonymous $25.00
Oct 17 Linda Davey So glad Celiac disease is more recognised than more than 30 years ago, when I was suffering with stomach issues, keep up the great work! , $25.00
Oct 17 elizabeth P Thank you for making the lives of myself and my family better $100.00