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Help Agnes raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon


Please support graduate scholarships at York University by registering to walk or run 5 km in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon on October 17, 2021. One of YURA's major activities is raising funds for graduate scholarships. On the day of the race, our volunteers will walk or run as a group, and then meet for lunch. We will have fun, and at the same time help the student community in an impactful and meaningful way through recruiting sponsors. To learn how to register to walk or run on October 17, 2021 for YURA, please contact Ian Greene at, or 416-571-8742.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 27 Anonymous $20.00
Sep 25 Anonymous $25.00
Sep 24 Anonymous Great that you are doing this, Agnes! $50.00
Sep 24 Alena Kimakova Thank you, Agnes! $100.00
Sep 21 Agnes Fraser Go with Angel Wings 😇 💖 $50.00
Sep 20 Eileen Leib $50.00
Sep 19 Pamela Fraser $100.00
Sep 18 Anonymous All the best Agnes $25.00
Sep 11 Anonymous $25.00
Sep 10 Good wishes to this initiative. Undisclosed amount