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Help us raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Our story…


LIGHTS is a unique program created by community leaders in partnership with Community Living Toronto to address the very significant shortage of independent and appropriate housing for intellectually disabled citizens living in Toronto.

Currently 3,600 adults with intellectual disabilities are waiting for long-term housing in our city, and COVID-19 has put an even bigger strain on the already stretched government assistance programs. Combine that with the high cost of living, the low availability of affordable housing, and the possibility of having a home of one’s own in a community of one’s choice is very bleak for people who have an intellectual disability.

Through its unique approach, LIGHTS improves the quality of life for both parents and their children by providing solutions that are created and managed by the families themselves, with the professional support and experience of Community Living Toronto and their staff. The result, for the family, is greater inclusion in their community, a sense of independence, respect, security, and a tangible plan for continuity of care once the parents are no longer able to look after their child.

Unfortunately, not all families can afford the start-up costs of independent living such as rent, utilities, caregiver costs, and personal needs.  But through fundraised dollars, LIGHTS can provide interim financial support of up to $20,000 per year for up to five years for those in need. 

To date 81 young people have been given the opportunity to live in a home of their own.  

Help us raise $100,000 to help even more people reach their goals to live independantly in their community.     


Community Living Toronto fosters inclusive communities by supporting the rights and choices of people with an intellectual disability. We believe in a society where everyone belongs and is valued. Thank you for being part of teams #CLTO. Together we will raise important dollars for programs like LIGHTS ( – helping people with an intellectual disability reach their goals of a home of their own in their community; Shadow Lake Centre ( – a place where children, youth and adults with special needs can experience the joys of camp and many other areas of greatest needs within or organization.    

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 16 Nobber Thanks Pady! $100.00
Jul 16 Anne Randell Good luck Malcolm! 🏃🏻 $50.00
Jul 16 Lorraine MacLachlan Way to go Malcolm. $25.00
Jul 16 Golding Family This is great. Undisclosed amount
Jul 16 Ian Pady $100.00
Jul 16 Katie Flynn Undisclosed amount
Jul 12 Sylvie Labrosse $50.00
Jul 12 Malcolm Nobbs $500.00