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Help Harrison raise money

For participating in Venice High School Band Walkathon

My Story…

Please help me raise money for my Venice High School Band. This money helps fund uniforms, band trips, instruments (sousaphones are expensive), band camps and meals to feed the kids during games. i appreciate anything that can be donated to help pay my way.

Donate to help Harrison raise money for Venice High School Band Walkathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 23 Stuart May $54.10
Oct 10 Anonymous Best of luck on your walkathon $54.10
Sep 18 Sarah Blow that horn Harrison!!🎶📯 $54.10
Sep 18 Dad Luv ya buddy! Keep up the great work in marching band $54.10
Sep 18 Rybicky Best of luck. Piper and Abigayle $16.83
Sep 18 Anonymous $11.50