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Help Anya raise money

For participating in PACE FOR THE DONKEYS 5K TRAIL RUN 2021

My Story…

Friends and family, for the past eight years, you've joined me as I've raised money for the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada. You've opened your hearts and your wallets to these gentle creatures and over the years, we've raised over $28,000 together to help donkeys in need.

Each year, you've contributed more than the year before, and I am hoping we can keep that trend going in 2021, so I've set us a goal to break all our past records!

I know we can do it, and it will be so special if we do, because this will be my last year participating in the Pace for the Donkeys, at least for the foreseeable future - I'm hanging up my runners and retiring. I'll always support the donks, but as this may be my last year fundraising, I'd like to make it the best yet.

Will you help me do it for the donks... one last time?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 08 Ian Gentles $35.00
Sep 07 Andrew & Pierce Love to the Donks & Anya! Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Robin Hamill Anya, local hero! Happy birthday to you! $250.00
Sep 07 Dana Reimer - Troop 438 Go Anya! Wishing you much success in breaking your previous record! Do it for the Donks!🐴🏃‍♀️ $50.00
Sep 07 Caroline lensen Happy Birthday Anya. Congratulations on the work you have done for this worthy cause. $25.00
Sep 07 Marie and MIchel Lapointe All the best, Anya. This is a wonderful cause. $25.00
Sep 07 Eric & Jax Queen of the Donks! Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Jennifer Farquhar Anya, thank you for your dedication for so many years! I'm sure the donks are grateful as well. Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Sarah R Happy to support you in this!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Aunt Laurel Good luck, Anya! I hope you reach your goal and beyond!! Much love, Undisclosed amount