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LYRIC Center for LGBTQQ Youth / Tsuru For Solidarity / Hawai‘i People’s Fund

Raise money for LYRIC Center for LGBTQQ Youth / Tsuru For Solidarity / Hawai‘i People’s Fund

LYRIC Center for LGBTQQ Youth provides education, career trainings, health promotion, and leadership development for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQQ) youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.  

Tsuru For Solidarity is a direct action project working to close all U.S. concentration camps, build solidarity with other communities of color that have experienced forced removal, detention, deportation, separation of families, and coordinate inter-generational, cross-community healing circles addressing the trauma of our shared histories.  

Hawai‘i People’s Fund supports passionate, grassroots community groups working for social justice in Hawai‘i. The fund is dedicated to the most creative, passionate, and radical visions of community, bravely navigating the intersections of indigeneity, environment, race, class, labor, gender, art, technology, mental health, incarceration, food, and other crucial issues we face. 



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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 16 Kevin (@holakebin) Anything for the children, the girls, and the gays. Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 KD Great stuff Bill. I support you and the organizations this benefits. Imagine if all the people could be seen as one. $54.10
Oct 16 Joanna :) Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Ali Kagawa $22.15
Oct 16 Anonymous $54.10
Oct 16 Jinny Kim Good luck Talia! $54.10
Oct 15 Sharli Kesecker Have a fun run. $22.15
Oct 15 Kristen Honma Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 J Low $107.35
Oct 15 Jeffrey and Sandra Mori JCYC's Thomatra Scott Scholarship Fund $100.00