•Should I still register?
YES!! You can register for a virtual 5K or 1 mile. Also, we will still have teams! We ask that you still use your team link to invite individuals to register under your team! There will be an award given for biggest team registered. Winner will be announced week of September 13! All registrations on the website will be changed to virtual for ones that have already registered and ones that will register.
•Will my team still get to fundraise?
Absolutely! We will still be giving awards for the team that raises the most funds through your personal race team link on twilightrun.raceroster.com. Winner to be announced week of September 13!
•How does a virtual run/walk work?
From Thursday, September 9-Sunday, September 12, you will complete your 1 mile or 5K wherever you would like and will be able to record your time here: twilightrun.raceroster.com. Be on the lookout for an email from Start2Finish with more details on recording your time, etc.
•What is virtual participation?
Make sure you post your selfie on our page and use the hashtags #TwilightRun2021 and #HeavensCradle between the dates of Thursday, September 9-Sunday, September 12 and you will be entered in to win a $100 Visa gift card! Winner will be announced Monday, September 13! (Make sure your photo is shared on this page and set to public so it can be viewed.)
•What about my t-shirt?
Your t-shirt will be mailed to you post-event from our race company, Start2Finish, if you have already registered online.
•What about my dinner ticket?
Each participant that has registered for the in-person 5K or 1 mile thus far will receive a custom bib in the mail with your t-shirt. You will be able to take this bib in to our Dinner Sponsor, Baker Bros. BBQ, to redeem for a pulled BBQ or pulled chicken plate with two sides between the time bib is received and 12/31/2021.
•Additional way to support Twilight Run
If you are not a member, make sure you follow the Twilight Run 2021 Silent Auction Group going on NOW-September 8! Silent Auction pick up will be on Thursday, September 9!
Follow Heaven's Cradle to keep up with future fundraising and event opportunities!
We are deeply grateful for your commitment to our cause! We are very hopeful for a live and in-person event in 2022!
Should you have any questions, please reach out to heavenscradlejackson@gmail.com.
Thanks for your continued support!
Twilight Sponsor
Course Marshalls
Moon Sponsors
Angel Sponsors
Media Sponsors