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Help Chris raise money

For participating in COLOR ME PINK 5K 2021

My Story…

Chris strives to treat those around him with kindness and compassion and has daily goal of making people smileAfter graduating with degrees in both Chemistry and Music & Theater from Wheeling Jesuit University, Chris moved to New York City where he worked in the entertainment industry. When his mother was diagnosed with recurrence of cancer shortly after his father passed away, Chris moved back home to Wilkes-Barre to serve as her primary caregiver up until the time of her passing.

Chris’s mission to spread happiness, positivity, and joy led to the creation of his smile mission, SmileStory®, which includes video web series featuring celebrity interviews and also community-wide free festivals, one of which was recognized by President Barack Obama. Chris recently was honored as the 21st alumnus in his university’s 65 year history to receive the James A. O’Brien S.J. Award for his service to others. During his time with Eyewitness News, Chris has been awarded with a Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters Award, Keystone Media Award, "Best TV Personality" from the Times Leader's Best of the Best, and the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce's Young Professionals Inspiration Award.


Chris enjoys singing, birdwatching, daily journaling, photography, spending time with his family, eating yummy food, praying, and napping with his adopted cats Pollyanna and Gracie.

Chris is participating in memory/honorAll those affected by cancer.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 09 Donna and Jim Martin In loving memory of our beautiful daughter- in-law, Linmarie Martin❤️ $27.48
Aug 09 Kenneth Palmer For my mother, her sister, my cousins , my grandmother, my grandfather and my son who fortunately survived. $54.10
Aug 04 Anonymous Break a leg, Chris! Keep up the good work. $27.48
Aug 02 Anonymous In memory of Stan and Barbra... $54.10
Aug 02 M. Lendacky Let me know if you need help shoe 🛍. $27.48