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Help Thomas raise money

For participating in COLOR ME PINK 5K 2021

My Story…

Tommy can be found making service calls throughout The Wyoming Valley for the family company All Service Rite, on Main Street helping Pittston City, setting up for the Tomato Festival, or helping out Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity.  In the little spare time left, he likes to live out his mid life crisis playing baseball, posting up at Table1 in Brews Brothers or bouncing around the Red Mill.  He can usually be tracked down, by his giggle, a trail of sunflower seeds and bare feet. A graduate of Pittston Area and Bloomsburg University, he’s a Patriot and Husky for life.  At home he spends his time vacuuming up after his 4-legged friend - Wrigley, chasing down his other 4-legged friend- Sebastian, being a taste tester of new recipes for his fiancé, or tending to his garden.  He is looking forward to getting married this December and starting a new chapter with Brie, where they currently reside in Laflin.  

He always has admired what Paint Pittston Pink has done and is continuing to do. His father was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2017 and received treatment in 2018.  In late 2019 he was given the great news that he was cancer free.  Tommy is always setting up and breaking down Pittston City events; he is excited to finally be involved in one !

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 23 TYGS Realty Company $350.00
Sep 23 Chris and Lauren Isenberg Thanks for raising money to help find a cure. $107.35
Sep 22 Nikki G n Rikki B Brother!!! Now you will finally get to feel what I have felt the past 30 yrs after a night out in heels😜 $54.10
Sep 22 Lori Spencer Undisclosed amount
Sep 22 Danny Costantino Goodluck Tom!! $54.10
Sep 21 Jay You still won’t be taller than me even in your heels :( $107.35
Sep 21 Michelle Mikitish $27.48
Sep 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 19 Nockley Family Pharmacy Good luck Tommy!!! (From Leo) Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 Hochreiter’s $54.10