Photos will be posted on our website GOTTARUNRACING.COM and on Facebook soon!
Race Day Information
Please Review!
Who's excited to be back to in person racing? We sure are! Even though it won't be exactly the same as previous years, it will still be fun!
Race Location - Island Lake Conservation Area - click for address
Early Kit Pickup - available at the parking lot in front of Cycling Elements from 10am to 2pm on Sunday, September 5.
Race Day Kit Pickup - available at Island Lake race site beginning at 7:30am
Entry into the park is free for Race participants and Volunteers. Please follow marshals for parking instructions - LOT P2 for runners.
There will be no race day registrations. If you need to change your distance, you can do so at the registration table on race morning.
Social gathering rules are in effect therefore we ask that you limit bringing spectators to the race. Mask wearing is required if you cannot be 2 metres apart (indoors and out). The safety of our volunteers and runners is key and we want to set the best possible example moving forward!
A Covid Questionnaire will be emailed to all runners and volunteers soon - please complete it before you arrive on Monday.
Race day timeline - 5K waves begin at 8:30am, 10K waves begin @ 9:30am
Waves will not be pre-assigned with no more than 25 runners per wave and the waves will be 6-7 minutes apart. We ask that you wear a mask in the start chute and at the water stations.
We recommend that faster runners start in first wave. Any 10K'ers requiring more than 90 minutes to finish may start in the earlier 5K waves (just not the first wave). Bike marshals will only lead the first waves. Course is marked with colour coordinated flags that match your bib colour. We recommend that you carry your own water to reduce contact at water stations.
Be sure to thank our awesome volunteers when you see them because without them, there is no race!
See you on race day!
Jodi & Norman
Island Lake Classic is BACK for 2021
To say we are excited is an understatement! We are thrilled to be putting on a live event again and while it may not look the same as previous years, we will do our best, following Public Health and Government guidelines, to put on a fun event for you!
Monday, September 6, 2021
9th annual Island Lake Classic 10K & 5K starts and ends in picturesque Island Lake Conservation Area, in the Town of Mono, next door to Orangeville. Groomed trails and bridges crossing the lake guarantee an enjoyable event.
Please note, admission to the park is free for participants and volunteers.
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
10K Run Closed
(age 10 years and over) Run the full loop
$50.00Jul. 27 - Dec. 31
5K Run/Walk Closed
(all ages) Run portion of the lake and the forest.
$40.00Jul. 27 - Dec. 31
Canadian Virtual Run Closed
Live too far away? Schedule conflicts? FOMO? No problem! Sign up for our virtual event and we will send you a custom medal and your choice of swag - logo'd running hat or tech running socks and you can participate any day, anytime, anywhere! Virtual Run Packages will be mailed in late summer via Canada Post.
$30.00Jul. 27 - Dec. 31
International Virtual Run Closed
Live too far away? Schedule conflicts? FOMO? No problem! Sign up for our virtual event and we will send you a custom medal and your choice of swag - logo'd running hat or tech running socks and you can participate any day, anytime, anywhere! Virtual Run Packages will be mailed in late summer via Canada Post.
$40.00Jul. 27 - Dec. 31
10K Race Course - wave starts beginning at 9:30am

10k Course - Approximate 10 km route, one loop around Island Lake mostly flat, double track trail with bridges and beautiful vistas.
5K Course - wave starts beginning at 8:30am
Covid 19 Safety Plan - to be updated as needed
* Overall participant numbers capped at 200
* Wave starts to spread out runners
* Social distancing in place
* No race expo or award ceremony
* Masks to be worn at start/finish line, aid stations
* Hand-washing/sanitizing stations added
* Spectators discouraged
The Fine Print
* No refunds. If event is cancelled due to Covid 19 Government Restrictions, all participants will be transferred to the 2021 Virtual Run option.
* No headphones, pets, strollers on course.
* No race day registrations.
* In accordance with our Covid Safety Plan with regards to gathering sizes, we ask that you do not bring any guests with you to the event.
Virtual Run
Live too far away? Schedule conflicts? FOMO? No problem! Sign up for our virtual event and we will send you a custom medal, your choice of swag - logo'd running hat or tech running socks so you can participate any day, anytime, anywhere! Virtual Run Packages will be mailed in late summer via Canada Post.
Kids Fun Run - will return in 2022
In order to keep our numbers in line with Provincial gathering rules, we will not be holding the Kids Fun Run in 2021. Look for it to return in 2022!
Bib Pick-Up
Every finisher will receive a unique medal featuring Island Lake Classic logo - ribbons will feature each distance as well as their choice of swag.
Technical Running Hat or Technical Running Socks - both featuring race logo. You will be prompted to make your selection during the registration process and have the option of purchasing additional swag as well.
In accordance with our Covid 19 Safety Plan, there will be no award ceremony in 2021.
Timing and Results
Chip Timing by Enfield sponsored by Orangeville Volkswagen!
click here for Results of the 2021 event
click here for Results of the 2019 event
click here for Results of the 2018 event
click here for Results of the 2017 event
click here for Results of the 2016 event
click here for Results of the 2015 event
click here for Results of the 2014 event
Social Media
Athletics Ontario Race Sanction
This event has been sanctioned by Athletics Ontario.
Event schedule
- Sun., September 5, 2021 10:00 a.m. - Pre-Race Kit Pickup @ Cycling Elements
- Sun., September 5, 2021 2:00 p.m. - Pre-Race Kit Pickup Ends
- Mon., September 6, 2021 7:30 a.m. - Race Kit Pickup
- Mon., September 6, 2021 8:30 a.m. - 5K Run/Walk Waves Begin
- Mon., September 6, 2021 9:30 a.m. - 10K Run Waves Begin
Contact information
- Event contact
- Jodi McNeill
- Website
- Visit website