Welcome to the 2021 Albuquerque Strength and Conditioning Clinic.
This is the 10th annual clinic, where you can learn from local fitness, wellness and athletics experts. The clinic is accredited with NASM and NSCA for 0.7 CEUs each. Other organizations that award credits are ACE, ACSM, AFAA, ISSA, NESTA, and NETA , but you have to go through a petition process.
For any questions, please contact: Kenny Croxdale at kenny@thefitnesssuperstore.com (505) 363-3032.
The 2021 Albuquerque Strength and Conditioning clinic is conducted both in-person at the JCC and via Zoom. Please indicate in your registration, which way you prefer to attend the clinic. If you prefer Zoom, the link will be send to you after you registration is complete.
You will receive your CEU certification via e-mail from Kenny Croxdale within 1-week of the clinic. If you are a student, please contact Kenny Croxdale for the discount Promo Code.
Thank you to our loyal sponsor and community partner: Heights Chiropractic & Sports Medicine. They are truly the best! https://heightschiroabq.com/
8:45 am – 9:00 am: Introduction
9-10 am Can I Go To Happy Hour On This Diet?
Jessika Brown MS, RD, CEDRD-S, CSSD
Dietitians ABQ and Eating Disorders Treatment Center | Director of Nutrition Services
There is an ocean of nutrition information out there. Eat this, not that, intermittent fast, but follow keto, and makesure you get enough carbs... it is endless! In this presentation, Jess Brown will help you navigate some of the hot diets on the market right now and evaluate them from a scientific perspective. We will evaluate each diet
based on
1) Improvement of nutritional status
2) Improvements to the gut microbiome
3) Sustainability of said diet from a social and cultural standpoint
10-11 am “Are you selling, or are you building relationships?”
Jim Lezeau, MS in Exercise Science, CES, PES
District Personal Training Manager, Defined Fitness
People want to buy, they don’t want to be sold. Jim will help you learn how to create value by building relationships in your initial meetings with potential clients and break down sales barriers.
11am -12 noon Value of Personal Training
Susanna Pier, BS Exercise Science, NASM Cpt, USAT-L1
Jewish Community Center Fitness & Wellness Director
During the Covid-19 Pandemic new trends emerged in the fitness industry. Virtual training, Peloton and outdoor training are some new favorite modes of exercise. Is this a threat or opportunity for personal trainers? Susanna Pier, JCC Fitness Director and personal trainer for 20-years, will share her training and team management experiences as she discusses the Value of Personal Training.
12 noon-1 pm Lunch On You Own
1-2 pm Energy Metabolism: Understanding and Programming for the Energy Systems Rogelio Realzola, MS, CSCS, USAW, ACE-CP
In this presentation, we will talk about what energy is, how it is created, how our energy systems act together, and how to train each system. Further, we will give special considerations and examples for differences in training for specific sports, focus of the training session (power production vs. power recovery), and how to get your clients to understand the importance and nuances of developing your energy systems fully.
2-3 pm HITTing with Bodyweight Exercise
Fabiano Amorim, Ph.D
NM Dept. of Health, Exercise & Sports Sciences
"Bodyweight style interval training is simple and a practical way to perform high-intensity interval training. In this presentation, I will discuss the physiological and perceptual disturbance induced by common callisthenic exercises such as lunges, burpees, and squat jumps. Also, I will present arguments that bodyweight style interval training is effective to induce adaptations in the cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular systems."
3-4 pm The Art of Tissue
Tait Yoder, LMT, NASM CFT, IMAP II, Structural Integration, Sports Therapist
Tait will introduce a guided 3 step methodology designed to release muscle tension from targeted, restricted muscle fibers. Method includes fascial unwinding to identify and isolate restrictions, followed by muscle release strategies to isolate and activate targeted muscles. Finish with self-massage and direct pressure techniques to penetrate and release deep muscle tension patterns. This lecture is great for any athlete/exerciser and provides tools for personal trainers to promote client’s recovery.
4-5 pm "The Other 23 Hours"
Jon Pier, MS, MES, PES
Physiologist & Health Educator, Sandia National Laboratories
An hour of training each day can't counteract 23 hours of prolonged sitting, stress, mindless eating and inadequate sleep. You may only be with your client a few hours each week, making it difficult to impact lasting improvement in overall health. Learn how to discuss multiple facets of life with your client in a way that addresses the foundational pillars of health beyond their training with you.
NSCA Continuing Education Credits: 0.7
Provide Number: L1244-E1016
NASM Continuing Education Credits: 0.7 Order Number: ORD-1055938—G4NOC
Provider Number: 984
For additional Information or Questions Contact:
Kenny Croxdale
Registration Fee: $65 Student Fee (High School/College): $40
Due Date: Wednesday. October 5, 2021
Late Registration Fee: $80.
Student Late Fee: $50
Contact information
- Event contact
- Kenny Croxdale
- Phone
- 5053633032