My Story…
Hello everyone,
My name is Lisa MacDonald, I am married to the most amazing man and we have 3 beautiful children together. In June 2020 our little family suffered a tragic loss of our second son Marco Jack Frank MacDonald. Marco was diagnosed with hydrop fetalis at 28 weeks pregnant. I was sent to the Ottawa General Hospital and from there I was rushed multiple times to Mount Sinai (Toronto) for a in utero procedure to help save our sons life. Marco was born premature on June 11th 2020 at the Ottawa General Hospital via C-Section. When Marco was born it was decided that he was going to go to CHEO as he was fighting for his life. When Marco was admitted there the doctors and staff treated him right away and made him as comfortable as possible. Marco had a nurse sit beside his bed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. CHEO quickly became our second home for a bit, we got to know the nurses and all of his doctors well in our short stay. On June 20th 2020, I went to go visit Marco and when I entered his room the nurse told me that Marco has developed a fever and wasn’t doing very well. On June 21st 2020 my husband and I got called into CHEO and we were told our baby boy had severe sepsis on top of his other medical issues. A few hours later Marcos fight was coming to an end, he gained his Angel wings in the arms of his Mom and Dad. After the loss of Marco CHEO and the Roger Neilson House continued to help our family though the difficult times, they gave us all the resources we needed to begin the healing process and more. Our family can’t thank CHEO and the Roger Neilson House enough. On October 9th we will be running as a family in the Butterfly Run in honour of our son Marco MacDonald We will also be raising money for the Roger Neilson House. We would really appreciate it if you could help us reach our goal of $300 or even join Team Marco MacDonald in the Butterfly run! 🦋💙
Donate to help Lisa raise money for Butterfly Run Ottawa’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Sep 09 | Uncle Johnny | CA$54.63 |