You sure will! All donations over $5 are eligible for an official charitable tax receipt. Registration fees are not eligible for tax receipts.
b. Do I have to run/walk/roll to raise money or donate?
Nope! We'd love for you to join us, but if that's just not in the cards for you we would deeply appreciate your donation and/or fundraising efforts!
c. How do I stay connected to the event virtually?
Keep up with and follow our Instagram and Facebook (on the side)! Use the hashtag #Move4Hope2021 to see who else is running, biking or walking with us across the province, country and globe! Post a pic of yourself as you go as well!
d. Do I have to do the Move4Hope in Waterloo, ON?
We would love if you could join us and your team in Waterloo on October 16, but if not - that is totally okay! You can bike, walk, roller-skate, run or skateboard wherever you are, just be sure to follow along on social media!
How can we help you?
Questions about the event
Looking for information on the event including packet pick up, schedule of events, or refunds?
Account and event settings
Looking to manage your registration, change your password, or update your
account information?