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Help Mesrak raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

Hello friends & family❣️

 I hope you are well! As you may know, People to People Aid (P2P) is near and dear to me; I've been volunteering for over 19 years, and I am now privileged and honoured to be the President in 2022🙏🏾 of this amazing organization!

This year, P2P needs your support more than ever! Fundraising events like this TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon are our primary fundraising avenue, and it is instrumental to our ongoing success!

I have signed up to raise funds through the 2022 5K Challenge that will take place on Oct 16th, 2022, and I am asking for your support! Please CLICK HERE TO HELP SUPPORT ME IN GETTING TO MY $8,000 GOAL!👇🏽 for P2P's Orphans Support and Community Health Programs. 

With your generous support, P2P’s sponsorship program has transformed the lives of thousands of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) over 22+ years, many of whom have become self-sufficient and given back to society. The most recent UNICEF report shows that there are still very large numbers of OVCs (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) in most urban centers in Ethiopia. Many of these children desperately await access to the life-changing opportunity the children supported by P2P and similar charities have. With the generous support of people like you, we are committed to continuing to brighten the future of as many of these OVCs as our resources can reach. 

Thank you in advance to those who have supported me & P2P year after year! If this is your first time, welcome to the P2P family and let's start transforming children's lives for the better!


🙏🏾Mesrak|ምሥራቅ  (Mez) Lissanu

Donate to help Mesrak raise money for 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 17 Mulu Geletu $54.63
Oct 17 Selam K $108.31
Oct 17 Jacqueline Chen Congratulations in meeting your goal! $76.10
Oct 16 Anonymous Keep it up Mimieye! You're on-going commitment to this cause is commendable and inspiring. May God continue to bless P2P and your effort. $537.69
Oct 16 Anonymous Good job Mez! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Liben M Gebremikael A privilege to support your efforts Mesrak! Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Berhan TV Toronto Thank you for your support Ethiopia $54.63
Oct 15 Seyoum Alemayehu $54.63
Oct 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 Bayu Beyene Kidane Great cause-keep it up. Mesrak God bless you for all the good that you have been doing over the years. $215.65