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Help Adam raise money

For participating in 2022 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

I Run With Refugees

Refugee claimants (unsponsored refugees) arrive in Canada with little to no support. We run to support Adam House in their mission to provide a warm welcome and caring community for refugees. Around 150 refugee claimants arrive in Canada every day. Of those, half come to Toronto. With your support, we can continue building a home for them.

Adam House reached a remarkable milestone this year—20 years of providing a warm welcome to Canada! Imagine the wear and tear on their building as well over 2,500 people have called it home in the past 20 years.  This year’s fundraising efforts are going directly to their renovation project.  The renovation is enhancing fire safety, expanding the kitchen, and improving the meeting space where they host programs and gatherings.

Our Knox participants and volunteers:

Adam Varro

Nestor Abdon

Brenda, Eric, Nicholas and Evan Brouwer

Volodymyr Koran

Natasha, Jacob, Toby, Felix and Shiloh Chandler

Cilika Xie

Aditya Rao

Yigong Zhang

Charlie Li

Viviana Soto Vergara

Margaret Lai

Norine Love

Matthew Engel 

Kelsey, Mike, Aubrey and Henry Near


Where would you go if you had nothing and you knew no one?

Having nothing and knowing no one is often just the beginning of the barriers new refugees face. Often times there is a language barrier. Refugee claimants are dealing with numerous issues-trauma that was experienced in their home country and on their journey to Canada, and often living with the anguish of leaving family behind.

Adam House provides refugee claimants with clean and safe living accommodations. The staff at Adam House provide assistance and advice with immigration procedures, primarily to residents and former residents. They provide referrals to legal services, medical assistance, and community resources. However, Adam House is much more than shelter or the services they provide. Adam House is home. A place where residents find friendship and support-from staff and each other.

Every dollar raised enables Adam House to continue welcoming refugees.

Visit for more information. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 02 Tea Prpa Great job! $33.16
Oct 02 Anonymous I did the walk last year from Knox to Booth House but unable to do it this year. Happy however to donate to this cause. $54.63
Sep 30 Anonymous $537.69
Sep 30 Nes Abdon Undisclosed amount
Sep 28 Jacob G $54.63
Sep 28 Russ and Judy Love Pleased to support Norine Love and Knox Church in their walk! $108.31
Sep 27 David & Marianne Bell Glad to support Adam Varro as he supports Adam House! Undisclosed amount
Sep 24 Anonymous $537.69
Sep 21 Nish $50.00
Sep 18 Andrew Yacoub Undisclosed amount